Minimum Bid:  $75

Deadline: May 31

Compaq 515 Laptop, Windows 10


32-bit operating system, x64-based processor

Installed RAM 3.00 GB

Processor AMD Athlon( tm)x2 DualCore QL-66  2.20 Ghz

SEND sealed bid to: Greenwood Township – Sealed Bid

Attention:  Jeff Hunt

PO Box 358, Hesperia, MI  49421


Meeting Date: Tuesday, May 9,2023

Time of Meeting: 7:00 PM

Reason for Meeting: This meeting is to begin a discussion on rewriting the townships Master Plan.

Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the Commission Secretary by calling the following: Jamie Holcomb 231 288 6812

Posted on May 8,2022 at 7:00 PM

Signature of Planning Commission Secretary: Jamie P Holcomb

MAY 13, 2023, FROM 8:00 AM UNTIL 2:00 PM or until full

SEPTEMBER 9, 2023, FROM 8:00 AM UNTIL 2:00 PM or until full




The Greenwood Township Board, at its regular meeting on April 10, 2023, adopted the following amendment to the Flood Plain Management Ordinance 2023-001, which was adopted on March 13, 2023.


Removed text:  Entitled “Flood Insurance Study for Oceana County, All Jurisdictions”, dated 08/04/2014, and the Flood Insurance Rate Map(s) (FIRMs) contained on index panel number(s):  26127C, 0425C, and 0450C, dated 08/04/2014.

Added text:  Entitled “The Flood Insurance Study (FIS) for Oceana County, All Jurisdictions, effective August 24, 2021, and the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) panels contained on index panel 26127CIND0B, effective August 24, 2021.


Added text:  Entitled “The Flood Insurance Study (FIS) for Oceana County, All Jurisdictions, effective August 24, 2021, and the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) panels contained on index panel 26127CIND0B, effective August 24, 2021.

Removed text “adopted on March 13, 2023”, and “effective March 31, 2023”.

Added text “adopted on April 10, 2023”, and “effective April 21, 2023”.

A complete copy of the ordinance can be obtained from our website:  or at the township office at 5589 200th Ave., Hesperia, MI  49421.

                                                        Cora Conley – Clerk – (231) 854-0202

DATE: May 1,2023
TIME: 7:00 p.m.
The Greenwood Township Zoning Board will hold a public hearing on May 1,2023 at
7:00 p.m. to review a request from Joseph Stine for approval of a variance to place a home
with addition and rear deck. Rear deck 1′ from rear property line instead of 8′ and variance
on size of max area of structures for property approximate 21% instead of 7.5% (Zoning
Ordinance Section 5.1 Article Five and Section 5.3 Minimum Building, Land and Yard
Requirements and Section 3.4 B Schedule of zoning regulations.) The property address is
8660 S Main St., Holton, Mi (Parcel # 64-019-400-010-00). This meeting will be held at
the Greenwood Township Hall at 5589 200th Ave
Rick Mansfield, Zoning Administrator


Date:                               Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Time:                               12:15 PM

Purpose of Meeting:      To test the accuracy of Greenwood  Township voting equipment  

Location:                   Township Hall, 5589 200th Ave., Hesperia

Phone:                       231-854-0202

Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact

Greenwood Township by writing or calling:

Cora Conley – Clerk, 231-286-3651

Posted on:  March 29, 2023, at 2:45 PM

Signature of Township Clerk     Cora Conley                                                                           

Date of Meeting:     Monday, April 10, 2023

Time of Meeting:       6:30 PM

Location of Meeting:   Greenwood Township Hall5589 200th Ave, Hesperia, MI 49421

PHONE: 231-854-0202

Purpose of Meeting: To appoint election inspectors, chairperson, and receiving board for the May 2, 2023, election.

Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the

Greenwood Township Clerk in advance by writing or calling:

Cora Conley, 231-286-3651 or

Posted on:  March 29, 2023, 12:55 PM

Signature of Township Clerk   Cora Conley                                                                           

The Greenwood Township Board, at its regular Township Board meeting on March 13, 2023, adopted the following amendments/changes to Zoning Ordinance No. 2015-01 which was adopted September 14, 2015.  A complete copy of the ordinance can be obtained from our website or at the office at 5589 200th Ave, Hesperia, MI 49421

Section 2.2 Definitions

FARM ANIMALS (DOMESTICATED):   Hooved animals typically found on a farm including cattle, sheep, pigs, horses, goats, and similar animals, but excluding domesticated pets, poultry, and fowl.

PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) – Preplanned controlled development.

Section 3.4.B

Schedule of Zoning Regulations:  No building shall be erected, reconstructed, or structurally altered or no use shall be permitted which does not comply with the zoning district regulations in the “Schedule of Zoning Regulations” as established in Table 1 and accompanying Notes.


Min Sq Ft for several districts changed

Table 1 Notes

1.  LOT SIZES: Minimum lot sizes are on a per unit basis [measured by the square foot (sf), or acreage (ac)]. In the RLA District all parcels or lots shall be at least 2 acres for a single-family residence. In the A-1 District, the minimum lot size is 40 acres for any agricultural operation; however, if the only use on the premises is a single-family non-farm (nf) residence, then the minimum lot size is 1.5 acres, with a minimum lot width of 100 feet.

6.  Ground mounted solar panels count as a permanent structure when figuring Max Lot Coverage.

Section 5.1 Purpose

Added text for paragraph 1

Refer to Table 1 from Section 3.4 – Schedule of Zoning Regulations for compliance.


Section 5.3 MINIMUM BUILDING, LAND and YARD REQUIREMENTS with the corresponding sub table.

Section 6.1 Purpose

Added text for paragraph 1

Refer to Table 1 from Section 3.4 – Schedule of Zoning Regulations for compliance.


Section 6.3 MINIMUM BUILDING, LAND and YARD REQUIREMENTS with the corresponding sub table.

Section 7.1 Purpose

Added text for paragraph 1

Refer to Table 1 from Section 3.4 – Schedule of Zoning Regulations for compliance.


Section 7.3 MINIMUM BUILDING, LAND and YARD REQUIREMENTS with the corresponding sub table.

Section 8.1 Purpose

Added text for paragraph 1

Refer to Table 1 from Section 3.4 – Schedule of Zoning Regulations for compliance.


Section 8.3 MINIMUM BUILDING, LAND and YARD REQUIREMENTS with the corresponding sub table.

Section 9.1 Purpose

Added text for paragraph 1

Refer to Table 1 from Section 3.4 – Schedule of Zoning Regulations for compliance.


Section 9.3 MINIMUM BUILDING, LAND and YARD REQUIREMENTS with the corresponding sub table.

Section 10.1 Purpose

Added text for paragraph 1

Refer to Table 1 from Section 3.4 – Schedule of Zoning Regulations for compliance.


Section 10.3 MINIMUM BUILDING, LAND and YARD REQUIREMENTS with the corresponding sub table.

Section 11.1 Purpose

Added text for paragraph 1

Refer to Table 1 from Section 3.4 – Schedule of Zoning Regulations for compliance.


Section 11.4 MINIMUM BUILDING, LAND and YARD REQUIREMENTS with the corresponding sub table.

Section 15.2.B.5

When the property is sold, the previously granted special use permit will be available for the new owner. The new owner must contact the zoning administrator to transfer the permit into their name and pay the appropriate transfer fee.

Added Text

  1. Transfer fee is set to 25% of the current special use permit fee

Section 15.2.B.6

Added Text

  1. For compliance to the conditions as stated on the permit.
  2. That the owner is the same as stated on the permit

Section 15.8

Added Text

D. A special use whose property is sold and the new owner does not transfer the special use within 1 year, the special use will be revoked

Section 15.9.5.A

10. When the property is sold, the previously granted special use permit will be available for the new owner for the remainder of the issued period. The new owner must contact the zoning administrator to transfer the permit into their name and pay the appropriate transfer fee.

Added Text

  1. Transfer fee is set to 25% of the current special use permit fee

Section 16.1.A

  1. Television/Internet receivers/towers/antennas, Amateur Ham, CB, AM or FM transmitters must be self supporting and less than 120 feet in height as measured from the base to the highest point on the tower, and be used for residential use only.

Removed Text

  • Amateur Ham, CB, AM or FM transmitters less than 75 feet in height as measured from the base to the highest point on the tower.

Section 19.3.B

  1. Area square footage must comply with the standards set by Michigan State University. Those standards can be found at: AgrUrban MSUExtension LandUseSeries.pdf
  2. Must be in an enclosed or fenced in area

Section 19.5


  1. Special Use Permits for Junk and Salvage Yards.  The following standards shall be required for any junk yard permitted by Special Use Permit:

Appendix A – Greenwood Township Zoning Map

Added Text

Note: This map is a summary, the Zoning Administrator and the Township both have an official copy.

Cora Conley – Greenwood Township Clerk

An Ordinance to designate an enforcing agency to discharge the responsibility of the Township of Greenwood, and to designate regulated flood hazard areas under the provisions of the State Construction Code Act, Act No. 230 of the Public Acts of 1972, as amended.

The Township of Greenwood ordains:

Section 1. AGENCY DESIGNATED. An Ordinance designating the Oceana County Building Department as the enforcing agency assuming responsibility for the administration and enforcement. Section 2. CODE APPENDIX ENFORCED. Pursuant to the provisions of the state construction code, in accordance with Section 8b(6) of Act 230, of the Public Acts of 1972, as amended, Appendix G of the Michigan Building Code shall be enforced by the Oceana County Building department. Section 3. DESIGNATION OF REGULATED FLOOD PRONE HAZARD AREAS. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Study (FIS) Entitled “Flood Insurance Study for Oceana County, All Jurisdictions”, dated 08/04/2014, and the Flood Insurance Rate Map(s) (FIRMs) contained on index panel number(s): 26127C, 0425C, and 0450C, dated 08/04/2014 are adopted by reference for the purposes of administration of the Michigan Construction Code, and declared to be a part of Section 1612.3 of the Michigan Building Code, and to provide the content of the “Flood Hazards” section of Table R301.2(1) of the Michigan Residential Code. Section 4. MOST RESTRICTIVE STANDARDS. If another ordinance contains standards inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance, the most restrictive standards shall apply. Section 5. EFFECTIVE DATE / PUBLICATION – Ordinance 2023-001 shall become effective upon publication of THIS public notice in the Oceana Herald Journal.

A true and complete copy of this ordinance can be obtained by contacting the Clerk at 231-854-0202 or by emailing the Clerk at

Cora Conley – Greenwood Township ClerK

Greenwood Township FISCAL YEAR 2023-24 combined public hearing on the proposed Budget AND Millage Rates to support the budget will be held during a Special Meeting of the Greenwood Township Board on 3/13/2023 at 6:30 PM at the Greenwood Township Hall located at 5589 S. 200th Ave., Hesperia.

Property tax millage rates proposed to be levied are:  1.2081 mills for Operations, and .9649 mills for Fire Protection Services, PLUS 1.5000 for Road Repairs & Improvements as approved at the November 8, 2022 election, will be a subject of this hearing.  These proposed millage rates may be reduced as statutorily required by the Headlee millage reduction fraction. 

 A copy of the budget is available for public inspection at the Greenwood Township Hall by contacting the Clerk at 231-286-3651. Comments at the hearing may include those submitted by email to the township at, by mail to PO Box 358, Hesperia, or in writing and dropped off in the secure box at the Township Hall. 

Americans With Disabilities (ADA) NoticeThe Township will provide necessary reasonable services to individuals with disabilities at the meeting upon 3 days’ notice. Contact the Clerk at: 231-286-3651

Cora Conley Greenwood Township Clerk

(231) 854-0202 OR GREENWOODTWP@NCATS.NET 1/25/23