To All Qualified Electors in Oceana County
Notice is hereby given by resolution of the Oceana County Election Commission under authority granted in Public Act 81 of 2023, that the location of the early voting site for all federal and statewide election dates will be the following. A site may also serve as an early voting site for additional election dates if approved by the Oceana County Election Commission.
Oceana County Courthouse
100 State Street
Hart, MI 49420
All qualified electors in Oceana County have the right to mark a ballot and deposit the ballot in a tabulator beginning the second Saturday before an election and ending Sunday before the election, and any additional days prior to the second Saturday before an election that the Oceana County Election Commission designates. Early voting will be available at the early voting site for the following hours:
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM each day February 17, 2024 through February 25, 2024
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Oceana County Clerk’s Office at (231) 873-4328 or clerk@oceana.mi.us
NOTE from Greenwood Township Clerk: This voting site is for EARLY VOTING ONLY for the period Saturday, February 17 through Sunday, February 25, 2024. For Greenwood Township Residents, voting on election day, February 27, will be at the Greenwood Township Hall 5589 200th Ave., Hesperia 49421 from 7:00 AM until 8:00 PM. Thank you, Cora Conley, Clerk – Greenwood Township